Place Seismic Support

Place Seismic Support/ Placement

Seismic Family panel
  • Family Menu - displays a list of the available seismic families in the model.
  • Type menu - displays a list of the available types for the selected seismic family.
  • Load Defaults button - used to load the default seismic family.
Attachment Method panel

The Attachment Method panel defines how the seismic support attaches to the hanger.

  • Edge of Strut
  • Center of Rod
Additional Options
  • Angle 1
  • Enable Angle 2

Place Seismic Support/ Options

Attach To panel
  • Nearest Structure Overhead radio button - when checked, the seismic support attaches to the closest structural element directly above the seismic support.
  • Distance Below Level radio button dialog box - used to specify an attachment offset.
  • Linked Model radio button menu - displays a list of the loaded linked models.
  • Reference Plane radio button menu - displays a list of the model's reference planes.

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