Add Straight Settings

Add Straight Settings


Allows the user to define the length of the straight based on material.

  • eVolve tab ⮞ Quick Tools panel ⮞ Add Stright menuAdd Straight Settings button


  1. From the eVolve ribbon, in the Quick Tools panel, click the Add Straight menu, then click Add Straight Settings.
  2. From the Add Straight Settings window, select the appropriate tab (Pipework or Duct) for the intended rule(s).
  3. From the Data Navigator, located at the bottom of the grid, click Add . A new row appears in the grid.
  4. From the Options panel, specify the necessary values. Click Apply to continue defining rules or OK to close the window.

Window Overview

  • Pipework - used to define and organize the extension length rules for pipes.
  • Duct - used to define and organize the extension length rules for ducts.
  • Material - displays the defined rules for each defined material.
Grid buttons
  • Add - used to add a new row to the grid.
  • Delete - used to delete selected row(s).
  • Duplicate - used to duplicate selected rows.
  • Export to Excel - exports the grid as currently displayed to Excel.
Options panel
  • Material menu - Defines the material used in a rule.
  • Maximum Size (Diameter or Longest Side) dialog box - The maximum size of the element. For round connectors, the diameter is used. For rectangular/oval connectors, the longest side is used.
  • Extend Length - extends the length to the entered value or is automatically determined.
    • Extend Length menu
      • Auto - when selected, the defaults are pulled from the Fabrication database.
      • Value - when selected, the Extend Length dialog box is enabled.
    • Extend Length dialog box - defines the extension length of the added straight for a
  • Shape menu - Duct only - displays the available types of duct.

Tips and Tricks

  • If Auto is selected for a material profile on the Add Straight Settings window, and the Auto length value is 0, a default length of 2'-0" is used). This default length is also used if a profile with a matching material and size for the part is not found.

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