Move Straight to End of Run

Move Straight to End of Run


Moves the selected straight to the end of a connected run in the specified direction. This can be used to avoid a branch landing on a connector or moving a short straight to the end of a run so that it can be combined with a fitting.

  • eVolve tab ⮞ Quick Tools panel ⮞ Move Straight to End of Run button

Usage - Post Selection

  1. From the eVolve ribbon, in the Quick Tools panel, click Move Straight to End of Run.
  2. From the drawing area, in the desired run, click the intended straight element to move.
  3. From the drawing area, click the direction to traverse. The element is moved to the end of the run in the direction clicked.
  4. The command remains active if you wish to move another element, press ESC to end the command.

Usage - Preselection

  1. From the drawing area, in the desired run, click the intended straight element to move.
  2. From the eVolve ribbon, in the Quick Tools panel, click Move Straight to End of Run.
  3. From the drawing area, click the direction to traverse. The element is moved to the end of the run in the direction clicked.
  4. The command remains active if you wish to move another element, press ESC to end the command.

Tips and Tricks

  • Use Reconnect Elements to reconnect any branches or accessories that may have become disconnected during Move Straight to End of Run.

Best Practices

  • Use Reconnect Elements to reconnect any branches or accessories that may have become disconnected during Move Straight Along Run.

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