Project Template Configurations

The following is a breakdown of all the project configurations and identifies which configurations should be considered for being included within your company's Revit project template and/or part of the Network Default Configurations.

Export Project Configurations
See Workstations Settings to export all active project configurations.

This export feature allows a user to take an existing project and export the EVOLVE project configurations.
Import Project Configurations
Project configurations could be setup to utilize a network location. See Workstation Settings for more information.

Feature specific configurations can be selectively imported via the EVOLVE Configuration Exchange.

Project Configurations

Common Configurations for Project Template

The following are configurations that should be considered to include within a standard company Revit project template.

  • Colorizer - DefaultColorizerData.xml
    • This configuration defines the colorizer rules. If standard rules are created for coloring elements, then this configuration should be part of the project template.
  • Export Utility Configuration - DefaultExportUtilityConfigurationData.xml
    • This configuration defines the rules that are defined within the export utility. If standard view and sheet naming conventions are utilized than standard rules can be created that would be applicable across all projects.
  • Hanger Settings - DefaultHangerFamiliesConfiguration.xml
    • This configuration defines the hanger placement rules. Standard hanger rules should be created as "defaults". Consider making the following rules:
      • Auto-Detect - uses all 4 tier hanger families and sets the placement to auto-detect.
      • Single Tier - create a single tier rule that has the hanger strut and rod configurations defined. Think about creating multiple based on different strut and rod requirements. Example:
        • 1/2" or 3/8" hardware
        • Strut size: 1-5/8", 1-5/8" B2B, 7/8", etc.
  • Spooling - DefaultSpoolingConfiguration.xml
    • This configuration defines the various spool/package settings. Standard status' and how they're applied during definition and sheet creation should be part of the project template.
  • Workset Manager - DefaultWorksetManagerData.xml
    • This configuration defines the workset manager rules. If company standard worksets exists, then these rules should be part of the project template.
  • Locations - KittingConfiguration.xml
    • This configuration defines any View, Sheet and/or Schedule settings that are used during sheet creation.
    • These settings are best "modified" while using on an active project. The changes that are needed work as a baseline for future projects. Not all settings need to be modified, but if any are commonly changed, than this should be part of the project template.
Advanced Configurations for Project Template

The following are configurations that are used in more advanced EVOLVE features and should only be considered if these features are being utilized.

Default EVOLVE Configurations

The following are configurations that are typically not modified and the default state is good to use as is. If any of these features are being modified often, then they should be included within the Revit project template.

  • Run Alignment - DefaultRunAlignmentConfiguration.xml
    • Dynamic spacing option contains a default center to center measurement based on conduit sizes. If any of these measurements are modified as a company standard, than this should be part of the project template.
  • Selection Configuration - DefaultSelectionConfiguration.xml
    • This configuration handles any modified selection configuration. If any of these selection configurations are modified than this should be included as part of the project template.
Configurations not applicable for Project Template

The following are configurations that are not applicable to include as part of the project template. These are related to features that are project specific.

  • Points - DefaultPointCoordinateSystemData.xml
    • Point settings are often project specific, if any of the default point settings are modified which are company standard, than this should be included as a template configuration.
  • Sleeve Settings - DefaultSleevesConfiguration.xml
    • Sleeve setting rules are often project specific because the rules could defined specific wall/floor types that utilize specific parameter names which wouldn't be common across multiple projects.
    • If "generic" rules are created for ALL walls and/or ALL floors, than these rules could be part of the project template.
    • Consider exporting project specific rules to utilize them as "templates" based on the linked models. For example: if Architectural company always labels walls/floors by a standard name, then rules can be used across other projects that use the same naming conventions.

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