Using Custom families with Auto Sleeve

If you would like to use your own sleeves for automatic sleeve placement, there are a few parameters that must be included in order for compatibility with the commands.

Be sure to use the shared parameters from the eVolveSharedParameterDefintion file from Resources to apply these parameters to families.

AutoSleeve_Round Required

These are parameters are Required for the placement of round sleeves.

  • eVolve_SubCategoryId = Use the value “Auto Sleeve – Round”. This affects the available oversizing options for the sleeve.
  • Sleeve_Nominal_Diameter – Control the width of the sleeve.
  • Sleeve_Length – Controls the length of the sleeve.
  • AutoSleeve Rectangular Required

These are parameters are Required for the placement of rectangular sleeves.

  • eVolve_SubCategoryId = Use the value “Auto Sleeve – Rectangular”. This affects the available oversizing options for the sleeve.
  • Sleeve_Depth – Control the depth of the sleeve.
  • Sleeve_Width – Control the width of the sleeve.
  • Sleeve_Length– Controls the length of the sleeve.


These are parameters that though not required, will allow additional functionality for all sleeves

  • eVolve_CategoryId - Use the value “Sleeve”. Will allow standardization of content with existing eVolve families and filters.
  • Sleeving_Thickness - Will write the thickness of the wall or floor the sleeve is being applied to
  • Sleeving_Element - Will write the family name/type of the part the sleeve is surrounding.
  • Sleeve_Status - Will write the chosen default status of placed sleeves from Sleeve Settings

Round Optional

These are parameters that though not required, will allow additional functionality for Round sleeves specifically.

  • Run_Nominal_Diameter - Will write the diameter of the part the sleeve is being applied to
  • Run_Insulation_Size - Will write the insulation size of the part the sleeve is being applied to
It is not recommended to edit eVolve families. If you desire to edit the families in order to have a starting point please save out a copy to prevent any unforeseen problems.

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