Modify Spool
Modify Spool

The modify spool feature gives users the ability to quickly add or remove elements to an assembly or even combine multiple spools.
- eVolve tab ⮞ Prefabrication panel ⮞ Modify Spool button

IMPORTANT: Though available, window selection during this operation will cause a complete redefinition of the spool with only elements you have selected during editing.
- From the eVolve Ribbon, in the Spooling panel, Select Modify Spool.
- From an active project view, select the spool to be modified.
- Add or Remove parts/spools by hovering over and clicking to select desired elements.
- Once all necessary modifications are complete, click Finish.
NOTE: If sheets were generated for the assemblies prior to modifying the assemblies, you will be prompted to regenerate sheets.
SHIFT + click Functionality
Hold SHIFT and click the Modify Spool button to merge multiple spools into one spool. Unlike the standard modify spool actions, holding down shift to activate this command changes the selection from individual parts to whole assemblies.
- From the eVolve ribbon, in the Prefab panel, press the SHIFT key when clicking on the Modify Spool button.
- From the drawing area, select the spool/assembly you wish to edit.
- From the drawing area, select other spool assemblies you want to merge into the initial spool.
- From the Options Bar, click Finish.