Data Relationships

Reports - Data Relationships


Database relationships are associations between tables created to retrieve data.

  • eVolve tab ⮞ Utilities panel ⮞ Report ManagerData Relationship ellipsis button in the grid

Window Overview

  • Data Profiles Alias Names panel - used to define an alias for data profiles
    • Grid Column Headers
      • Source Name - displays the report's Primary and any Additional Data Profiles
      • Alias - used to define an alias for each associated data profile
  • Data Tables Alias Names panel - used to define an alias for data tables
    • Grid Column Headers
      • Source Name - displays the data table(s) associated with the report
      • Alias - used to define an alias for each data table
  • Data Relationships panel - defines equality relationships between data sources. This establishes parent-child relationships, which can be used in reports. Each Child Field value must have a unique match in Parent Field. If equality depends on more than a single field match, multiple entries using the same Parent Source and Child Source can be used with different fields to create an 'AND' in the join condition.
    • Grid Column Headers
      • Parent Source menu - displays the report's data profiles and data tables
      • Parent Field menu - populated based on the selected Parent Source, the menu contains a list of all fields in the Parent Source
      • Child Source menu - displays the report's data profiles and data tables
      • Child Field menu - populated based on the selected Child Source, the menu contains a list of all fields in the Child Source
    • Refresh Sources button - forces a refresh of the selections available within the Data Relationships grid. This may be necessary for situations where selections are out of sync.
    • Constraint Options panel
      • Enforce radio button - When enabled, an error will result when all Child Field fields do not exist within Parent Field.
      • Do not enforce radio button panel - When enabled, a no error will result when all Child Field fields do not exist within Parent Field.
        • Create table for orphaned child records checkbox - When enabled, records within Child Source that are not in Parent Source are placed within a separate data source and passed to the report.

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