Data Profiles

Overview of Data Profiles


A data profile allows select parameter values to be read from or written to elements adhering to a defined element filter and selection scope. Data Profiles are used in various areas in eVolve such as the CSV Data Exchange, the eVovle Properties Browser, Reports, the View Data panel, etc.

  • eVolve tab ⮞ Utilities panel ⮞ Data Profiles button



Creating a Data Profile

  1. From the eVolve ribbon, in the Utilities menu, click Data Profiles.
  2. From the Data Profiles window, in the Data Profiles grid, select a cell from the Click here to add a new row and specify the following:


  • Name - the name does not have to be unique as you may utilize Description, Group, and Sub Group to distinguish it from other profiles.
  • Element Filter - the element filter must be defined.


  • Description - blank if left undefined.
  • Group - blank if left undefined.
  • Sub Group - blank if left undefined.
  • Direction - the default value is Export if left unchanged.
  • Selection Scope - the default value is Entire Project if left unchanged.
  • Column Name List - the default value is No Expansion if left unchanged.
  1. Once the necessary information is added, click Apply. The row is added and the Fields for grid is active.
  2. From the Fields for grid, in the Record Navigator, click the Add New button. A new row is added to the grid and the Parameter menu is populated with parameters from the element filter.
    1. From the newly created row, in the Parameter cell, click the menu, and select the desired parameter.
    2. From the newly created row, specify a Column Name.
    3. Optionally define the Order, Description, Use Display Value option, and/or add a PowerShell Script.
    4. Once the necessary information is added, click Apply.
  3. Repeat step 4 to continue adding parameters to the data profile, once complete click OK.

Import Data Profiles

IMPORTANT: this feature was deprecated as of v6.2 and will be removed in a future release; please use the Configuration Exchange feature to import reports.

The Import feature allows exported Data Profiles to be saved to a project.

NOTE: currently, when importing data profiles the associated data table(s) are not included and must be imported separately. As a best practice, if a data profile has additional components like a Data Table, import the additional components first.

Importing Data Profiles
  1. If applicable, from Utilities/Data Tables, import the associated data table.
  2. From Utilities/Data Profiles, click Import Profile.
  3. From the Import Profile window, navigate to the required profile(s) for the desired report and click Open.

Window Overview

Tool Palette buttons for Data Profiles
  • Import (Deprecated as of v6.2) - imports a report configuration file.
  • Configuration Exchange - Used to import/export reports and their dependencies; please see the Configuration Exchange​ article for more information.
Grid Columns for Data Profiles
  • Name - used to apply a label to a data profile.
  • Description - used to provide additional information about the data profile.
  • Group - used to assign a category/type to a data profile.
  • Sub Group - assigns a subset of a group/category to a data profile.
  • Element Filter - used to define the categories and optional conditions that elements and their parameters are filtered against.
  • Direction - used to define the parameter value is used. For example, select Export if the parameter value is displayed in a report, the eVolve Properties Browser, or the View Data panel. Select Import if the parameter value is written to a file like the CVS Data Exchange feature. When exporting, parameter names must contain <> brackets. When importing, parameter names cannot contain <> brackets.
  • Selection Scope - defines the range/criteria the element filter is run against.
  • Expansion Options - defines whether or not eVolve will further inspect elements such as assemblies and groups to obtain parameter values that are otherwise unavailable at the "container" level.
    • Expand Assemblies - when checked, elements within assemblies adhering to the element filter are displayed.
    • Expand Groups - when checked, elements within a group adhering to the element filter are displayed.
    • Expand Nested Elements - when checked, nested elements within a host element adhering to the element filter are displayed.
    • Ignore Filter Conditions - when enabled, nested items or items in an assembly or group are returned regardless of the filter conditions.
    • Exclude Container - when checked, only elements within assemblies adhering to the element filter are displayed, and the assembly itself is omitted from the results.
  • Column Name List - optional, defines required fields to be mapped when using a specific integration.
Record Navigator button for Data Profiles
  • Add - used to add a new row to the grid.
  • Delete - used to delete selected row(s).
  • Duplicate - used to duplicate selected rows.
  • Export Grid - exports the grid as currently displayed to Excel.
Grid Columns for Fields For
  • Order - defines the sequence in which parameters are displayed in features like the eVolve Properties Browser and View Data.
  • Column Name - defines the display name/friendly name of the parameter.
  • Description - used to provide additional information about the parameter.
  • Parameter - defines the parameter used in the data profile.
    • IMPORTANT: All parameter values sent from Data Profiles are string values regardless of the original type in Revit
    • The menu's parameters depend on the categories and optional conditions selected in the element filter.
      • While only parameters common to all selected categories are displayed in the menu, the parameter name or Id may be entered even if it is not displayed.
      • When manually entering, the parameter name or Id should be enclosed in <>; for example, the parameter name for "Comments" should be added as <Comments>, and the Id should be added as <-1010106>.
      • A PowerShell script may be run on parameter values; However, omitting the <> symbols when entering the Parameter name essentially creates an on-demand parameter that returns the calculated value of a PowerShell script. For example, entering eVolveVersion for a Parameter name and adding the following PowerShell script - return $eVolveVersion returns the current eVolve version, which may be displayed in reports, the eVolve Properties Browser, etc. without having to create a Shared or Project Parameter.
    • To optimize the return time and ensure localized translations are correct, use the parameter's Revit Id instead of the parameter name or selecting the name from the list.
      • The Id values for standard Revit parameters are negative, while custom parameters are not. For example, the parameter's Revit Id for "Comments" is (-1010106) while the Id for "eVolve_CustomId" is (839445).
      • The parameter's Revit Id can easily be obtained via the Revit Lookup Tool (an externally developed tool not supported by eVolve).
  • Use Display Value - defines whether the internal Revit value or the display value is used.
  • Special/ITM Values - conditional values which are not available via parameters but can be included within results. Internal logic resolves these values and may alter the results by including additional data rows.
  • Data Type - Specifies the data type this column is expected to hold.
  • PowerShell Script - allows a PowerShell script to run against the parameter value.
    IMPORTANT: PowerShell must be set to Always Enable in Workstation Settings.
    • PowerShell script(s) may increase return times as each PowerShell script contained in the data profile runs on every element that meets the criteria defined in the element filter.
Record Navigator button for Fields For
  • Add - used to add a new row to the grid.
  • Delete - used to delete selected row(s).
  • Duplicate - used to duplicate selected rows.
  • Export Grid - exports the grid as currently displayed to Excel.


Data Profiles

Relevant Articles

Integration Profiles (Legacy Feature)

The Integration Profiles feature allows you to create and manage custom profiles to use with the CSV Data Exchange feature.

Through this feature, you have the following abilities:

Create an Export or Import Profile

  1. Column Name List - When using predefined solutions (such as PypeServer), you will see options here to further define which fields are available to export. This powers the available mappings for the Column Name list.
  2. Expansion Options - If selecting objects like groups or assemblies, choose which items should be exported
    1. No Expansion - Export the group itself
    2. Expand and Keep Container - Export the group and all of its parts
    3. Expand and Exclude Container - Export the parts within only.

Define the File Data, Order, and Mappings

  1. Order - First column, second column, etc.
  2. Column Name - this will be the column header in the export or import
  3. Description - this is for you to help note the purpose of the column, but this field is not used in the CSV file itself.
  4. Parameter - This is the parameter name that contains the data you are exporting or importing
If Exporting, the parameter name MUST contain <> brackets. If importing, the parameter name CANNOT contain <> brackets.
Parameter names are case sensitive
  1. Use Display Value - provide the display value users see in Revit (e.g. 2' 6") or provide the raw/underlying value stored in Revit (e.g. 2.5)
  2. Parameter Scope: Allows for fine control over the respective Parameter. A checked selection indicates parameters of the respective scope are eligible. At least one option must be selected. The default is all values selected.
Type will not be allowed as a selection for Import profiles.

Using this Feature (CSV Example)

When creating an integration, you will also need to define an element filter that provides the feature with criteria on which elements to search for. For example, you must define the Revit categories that the elements are on. However, you do not have to define parameter rules. If you do then you are stating that the elements within those selected categories must also meet the parameter rule you have created.

With your Integration Profile highlighted, you can start to create your desired field mappings.

Before creating your mappings, it is best to create a list of the parameter names. Because the list only shows common parameters between all parts in your defined Element Filter, it is possible that some specific ones will not appear. However, these are still available for use by simply typing their names manually.

Saving Your Profiles

This Export/Import option will export all of the integration profiles as well as their mapping definitions.

Export and Import Integration: These buttons will export the highlighted integration profile, including the CSV definition.

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