Using the family browser Find feature
The family browser includes a search feature to help quickly locate cards displayed in the Content view panel. The Content view panel displays a filtered list of cards based on the selections in the drop-down menus located at the top of the family browser palette. To further organize the results, cards maybe grouped by clicking one of the menu’s Group button. Additionally, the search feature can filter cards based on the search criteria and parameters, while queried words and/or phrases are highlighted within the cards.
Single/multiple keywords
Type a single or multiple keywords separated by spaces.
- Assembly — selects cards that contain Assembly in any field;
- Assembly Hanger — selects cards that contain either Assembly and Hanger in any field.
Partial keywords
It is not necessary to enter the entire keyword, partial or incomplete entries are accepted. For example, if you know an entry contains WA, the resulting search will display all cards that contain WA in any field whether it is at the beginning, middle, or end of a word.
Exact match of a phrase
Put the phrase in quotes.
- "4in Square" — selects cards that contain the phrase 4in Square in any field.
The default parse mode when comparing the search criteria to library records utilized is the AND operator, as a result, the displayed cards will contain all specified keywords. This default behavior may be overridden by using the following modifiers:
Modifier | Operator | Example |
? | Optional keyword. Applying this modifier to all keyword basically changes the AND operator to OR. The displayed cards will contain one keyword or another. | ?Assembly ?Hanger The displayed cards will contain the word "Assembly" or "Hanger". |
- | Exclude keyword. | Assembly -Hanger The displayed cards will contain the word "Assembly" but not "Hanger". |
^ | Starts with. | Optional keyword. Applying this modifier to all keyword basically changes the AND operator to OR. The displayed cards will contain one keyword or another. |
In specific fields only
Enter a field name before a keyword followed by a colon (without a space).
- Category: Straight — selects cards that contain Straight in the Category field only;
- Sub-Category: Connector Square — Connector in the Sub-Category field and Square anywhere else;
- "4in Square" -Manufacturer: MegaCorp — searches for 4in Square, excluding MegaCorp.
Users can enter incomplete field names. In this case, a control shows cards from the first field whose name matches the entered string.
- Cat:Box — selects cards that contain Box in the first field whose name starts with Cat ("Category" in this case).
NOTE: To specify an exact name or if a name contains multiple words, use quotes.

Clearing search results
From the eVolve Family Browser palette, in the Find dialog, click the X located to the far right.