Upgrading to 5.0

After upgrading to 5.0, it's important to know that there are a few changes you will need to make in order to update your settings and take advantage of all the new features.


  • In all existing projects, make sure to delete all old eVolve Sleeve Families. This will prevent confusion moving forward.
    • If you have previously made modifications to the eVolve Sleeve Families and are now using a custom version, be sure to see the updated article for the new required parameters.
  • Delete the following project parameters from your project. Once again this will prevent confusion moving forward as these are no longer used.
    • Sleeve Width
    • Sleeve Depth
    • Sleeve Length
    • Pipe Insulation Size
    • Pipe Nominal Diameter
    • Sleeve Diameter Nominal
    • Pipe - Cast Iron
    • Pipe - IPS
    • Pipe - Copper
    • Pipe - Tubing
    • Extra Gap
  • Update any existing sleeve or hanger schedules to include the new changes to the content. The easiest way to accomplish this is to simply use Transfer Project Standards and copy in the updated view templates from the eVolve_Mechanical_Template.
  • Review the new eVolve_Mechanical_Template in Resources and use Transfer Project Standards for any other new changes you would like to incorporate.
  • Review the new content inside Family Browser to be aware of the available families.
  • Review the new Origin Database for any desired content.


  • Update Element Filter rules as needed. You can use the defaults inside resources (DefaultSelectionFilters file) that already have these updates as well.
  • Update any Parmater Sync, Sleeve Setting, or Workset Manger rules that are currently using Category only to Element Filter based rules.
  • Update all settings as needed to take advantage of new functionality (Sleeve Settings, Trapeze Placement, Rod Embed Configuration, Annotation Settings, Renumber Settings).


When updating its also a good time to also review your current process. The help site has recently added a considerable amount of articles around best practices and tips/tricks. Make sure to check these out in the Getting Started, Troubleshooting, and Tips and Tricks sections.

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