Intro to Resources


Though not the shiniest features, our resources offer vital information to you as a user. Here you can...

  • View messages from out team
  • Get Involved with your Ideas
  • Direct link to Create a New Case / Ticket
  • Versioning and Support

View Notifications

Whether its information about how to attend customer meetings, or even reminders on release dates, we use our notifications feature as a periodic way to get in touch. Don't worry, we keep this to a minimum.

  1. Click, View Notifications under the Resources Panel Here you will see our most recent announcements.
    1. We will also show you our important notifications on startup as well. Rest assured, this is strictly periodically and only contain truly useful information..
    2. If applicable, you can click on a notification in the window to also go to its respective link using your default web browser. An example of this would be a registration page for an upcoming Customer Update Meeting.

Contact Support

Though we hope its rare, sometimes we all run into technical issues. Our team is standing by to assist in any issues you encounter. Use this feature to contact support to get your tailored support ticket submitted and receive assistance.

  1. Click, Contact Support and your default web browser will appear with our Create a New Case page via our support portal.
    1. Be sure to fill out all the required fields in red.
    2. You will be prompted to characters to ensure you are not something harmful to our system.
    3. Check the box to Copy email to myself to keep track of the progress of you

Submit an Idea

Our Idea site is one of our many links to our customers and heavily drives our development. The Submit an Idea takes you to the eVolve Mechanical Idea Website where you can get involved with the community and product development.

  1. Click, Submit an Idea and your default web browser will appear with our eVolve MEP website.
  2. Click on the Add a new idea button to submit your idea.
    1. Be sure to fill out all the required fields highlighted in the form.
    2. Vote up ideas that other users have posted to let our development team know how urgent the need is for all ideas.


Whether you need quick information about your version of eVolve Mechanical or even license utilities, our About commands provide the technical information you need. Be sure to get familiar with these features since support will commonly ask for this information when submitting tickets.

  1. Click, About to see all the commands available which include
    1. About
    2. License Info
    3. Deactivate License
    4. Reactivate License
    5. View Eula

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