Intro to Spooling

Spooling Overview

We offer a wide range of spooling commands to facilitate your custom workflows. These tools allow for quick creation, dynamic view options, and robust management. All commands are located under the Pre-Fab panel.

These tools deliver the following features:

  • Define Spool - Manually select what will be in the spool. This method supports Fabrication (ITM) and Family (RFA) elements.
  • Define Spool Run - Quickly define spools by selecting the start and end element of a connected run. This element currently only supports Fabrication (ITM) elements.
  • Auto Spool - Define the maximum size of your spool by HxWxL and Weight. Then select the start of the pipe/duct run and eVolve will automatically define spools for the connected system. This element currently only supports Fabrication (ITM) elements.
  • Modify Spool - Ability to seamlessly modify spools by adding/removing/borrowing parts, even from existing spools; and the ability to combine spools.
  • Create Package - Create a mult-service package. Packages typically contain multiple spools and additional parts such as hangers. This feature supports Fabrication (ITM) and Family (RFA) elements.
  • Modify Package - Add/remove elements to existing packages.
  • Remove Package - Delete an existing package. This will clear the package parameter information for the included elements.
  • From the Pre-Fab Manager, you can:
    • Create all needed sheets, views, and schedules
    • Automate time consuming dimensions, numbering, and annotation of spool sheets
    • Automatic placement of spool continuation tags, spot coordinates and slope tags on the spool sheets
    • Define/manage packages

If using eVolve Mechanical in an existing project you will need to either specify your desired view filters/templates for your spool views or utilize the Transfer Project Standards (TPS) feature to transfer in ours provided in the eVolve template. As always, ensure all the appropriate titleblock’s and families are loaded to ensure our tool works optimally.

Video Walkthrough

Spool Settings

As mentioned, our spooling features are completely tailored to your individual standards. Whether you would like to see certain tags on your spool sheets, or want to have your spool status changed when defined, you will find many options available to you in Spool Settings.

Once in the feature, you will notice the wide range of options available. It is important to note, you can configure any of these settings at any time so feel free to spend time here to learn what each controls. See Spool Settings for more information.

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