Prefab Manager

Prefab Manager

The Prefab Manager displays information for all assemblies(spools) and packages in the current project. This information is conveniently displayed in two tabs. Various actions may be performed from each tab depending on whether you are working with a spool or package.

Overview of the Spool tab

Tool Palette Buttons
  • Locate Element - Used to locate a single element in the model. If the selected element is in the currently active view, Locate Element will zoom to and display the element in fullscreen. If the selected element is not in the currently active view, Locate Element will allow Revit to find the element.
  • Rename Spools - allows for one or multiple spool names to be modified.
  • Delete Spools - allows for one or multiple spools(assemblies) to be deleted. Note this function does not delete the elements within the spool, just the association between the elements.
  • Renumber - allows spools to be renumbered using the predefined rules within the Renumber feature.
  • Create Package - generates an eVolve Package.
  • Generate Sheets - creates sheets for selected spools.
  • Open Selected Sheets - displays sheets for selected spools if the sheets have been generated.
  • Create View/Sheet Set - produces a View/Sheet Set.
  • Calculate View Rotation - this function will attempt to calculate a rotation so that the spooled elements are square to the elevation and section views that are created.
  • Create PCF File - generates a PCF file. This feature is only for eVolve Mechanical.
Grid Columns
  • Selection box - when checked, actions may be performed on the selected row(s). Checking/unchecking the box in the header will either check or uncheck all of the boxes in the grid.
  • Condition - Displays the current state of the spool.
    • Defined - elements have been designated as a spool, but views/schedules/sheets have NOT been generated.
    • Sheet Created - elements have been designated as a spool, and the views/schedules/sheets have been generated.
  • Level - Displays the level within the project the spool is associated with.
  • Spool Name - Displays the name of the spool.
  • Package Name - Displays the name of the Prefab Package the spool is contained in.
  • Title Block - Displays the title block used to generate the sheets.
  • Title Block Type - When applicable, the title block type used to generate the sheet is displayed.
  • Status - Displays the set Status as derived from the Fabrication CADmep database.
  • Service - Displays the assigned service.
  • Location - Displays the assigned eV_LBS_Id parameter value.
  • Weight - Displays the total calculated weight of the spool.
  • Rotation Angle - Displays the spool's rotation angle (relative to "project north").
Data Navigator Buttons
  • Export Grid - exports the grid as currently displayed to Excel.
  • Bulk Update - allows for the values in multiple fields to be revised at once.
  • Send to Data Tables - send all displayed columns and their values to Data Tables.

Overview of the Pre-Fab Packages tab

Tool Palette Buttons
  • Locate Element - Used to locate a single element in the model. If the selected element is in the currently active view, Locate Element will zoom to and display the element in fullscreen. If the selected element is not in the currently active view, Locate Element will allow Revit to find the element.
  • Rename Packages - allows for one or multiple package names to be modified.
  • Unpack Package - Deletes an eVolve Package; however, the elements are not deleted.
  • Generate Sheets - creates sheets for selected spools.
  • Open Selected Sheets - displays sheets for selected spools if the sheets have been generated.
  • Create View/Sheet Set - produces a View/Sheet Set.
Grid Columns
  • Selection box - when checked, actions may be performed on the selected row(s). Checking/unchecking the box in the header will either check or uncheck all of the boxes in the grid.
  • Condition - Displays the current state of the package.
    • Defined - elements have been added to a package, but views/schedules/sheets have NOT been generated.
    • Sheet Created - elements have been added to a package and the views/schedules/sheets have been generated.
  • Package Name - Displays the name of the Prefab Package the spool is contained in.
  • Level - Displays the level within the project the package is associated with.
  • Title Block - Displays the title block used to generate the sheets.
  • Title Block Type - When applicable, the title block type used to generate the sheet is displayed.
  • Status - Displays the set Status of the package.
Data Navigator Buttons
  • Export to Excel - exports the grid as currently displayed to Excel.
  • Bulk Update - allows for the values in multiple fields to be revised at once.
  • Send to Data Tables - send all displayed columns and their values to Data Tables.

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